Eleonora Chessa

All Certified NeuroTransformational Coaches have first completed a recognized coach training program* before completing all four modules of BEabove Leadership’s Neuroscience, Consciousness and Transformational Coaching, a total of over 81 classroom hours (in addition to their core coach training). Upon completion of these modules, our certified coaches have then completed a rigorous Certification Program, which includes additional reading, review, coaching supervision and feedback. At the end of this program, they must pass a comprehensive written test (essay format) covering key neuroscience topics, as well as a one-to-one interview and coaching proficiency test. We’re very proud to recommend all our CNTCs as transformational coaches and experts in the neuroscience of human development. *in some rare cases, they may instead be trained as therapists — see individual information for more detail.

Eleonora Chessa
Chessa Coaching
Business Focus
Eleonora is ICF accredited PCC, CPCC from the Co-Active Institute, Emotional Intelligence training, Leadership Circle Profile Certified, NSCRTC certified. She has over 16 years of corporate experience in marketing roles and 10 years of coaching training with over 1800 hours of coaching. She focuses on 45+ leaders who want to rise stronger from life’s experiences and leave a lasting and impactful legacy.

I'm interested in radical self-realization. My superpowers include being able to start over in any country and learning and integrating in any culture. I have done this over and over throughout life. It served me well when I became a mother as well as during and after divorce. Learning to rise up from any difficulty and doing so conscious of the lessons learned, is my field of support. Masterful leadership skills that can applied to create a vision of the future which is unburdened by the past and unbridled by BS rules society has, especially for women, is where I love to play. And I do so because I believe there is a massive shift in leadership and women are so awesome ad giving, growing and thriving no matter what, but sometimes we need support, re-energizing and a champion in our corner to shed light on our blind spots and our strengths. This helps us to rise stronger and shine our lights so bright we can keep lighting the path for others too, which is what we love doing.

Italy and virtually everywhere
Date Certified
October 2023
Languages Spoken
English, Spanish, French, Italian

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