
All Certified NeuroTransformational Coaches have first completed a recognized coach training program* before completing all four modules of BEabove Leadership’s Neuroscience, Consciousness and Transformational Coaching, a total of over 81 classroom hours (in addition to their core coach training). Upon completion of these modules, our certified coaches have then completed a rigorous Certification Program, which includes additional reading, review, coaching supervision and feedback. At the end of this program, they must pass a comprehensive written test (essay format) covering key neuroscience topics, as well as a one-to-one interview and coaching proficiency test. We’re very proud to recommend all our CNTCs as transformational coaches and experts in the neuroscience of human development. *in some rare cases, they may instead be trained as therapists — see individual information for more detail.

Shivani Mair
Shivani has a reputation for her fierce, dynamic, compassionately challenging and holistic approach, and is a living example for her belief ‘create the life you want’ - so expect nothing less than transformational coaching!
Tracy Irvine PCC, CRTC, CPCC
Tracy is the founder of Phoenix Rising Executive Coach, a leadership and executive coaching practice. She leverages her 20 years of Talent Management and Human Resources experience and her Co-Active and PCC credential from the ICF to help leaders attain their mental well-being while pursuing work in a challenging workplace.