Mr Joseph Cooper

All Certified NeuroTransformational Coaches have first completed a recognized coach training program* before completing all four modules of BEabove Leadership’s Neuroscience, Consciousness and Transformational Coaching, a total of over 81 classroom hours (in addition to their core coach training). Upon completion of these modules, our certified coaches have then completed a rigorous Certification Program, which includes additional reading, review, coaching supervision and feedback. At the end of this program, they must pass a comprehensive written test (essay format) covering key neuroscience topics, as well as a one-to-one interview and coaching proficiency test. We’re very proud to recommend all our CNTCs as transformational coaches and experts in the neuroscience of human development. *in some rare cases, they may instead be trained as therapists — see individual information for more detail.

Mr Joseph Cooper
Fearless Executive Coaching Limited
Business Focus
Underpinned by a 15-year senior corporate leadership career, Joseph is a highlybqualified, multi-certified professional executive coach and researcher, who champions talented executives and passionate change-agents go from being unheard and undervalued in the workplace, to leading forevermore as authoritative change-makers by fiercely pushing the definition of Humanity in Action.

Joseph is inspiring the transformation of a new generation of humanitarian leaders who are ready to shake the status quo and challenge the social contract, and lead from a place of greater self-acceptance, command, compassion and authority.

Primarily, Joseph serves executives and leaders in the helping professions. This group includes individuals working within public; emergency services, local authorities; councils, the civil service, welfare; social work, the charity; ‘for impact’ sector, education; adult learning space, the armed forces, and humanitarian enterprises with community-centred objectives.

Ultimately, Joseph is dedicated to ensuring these people secure their shared purpose: to nurture, protect and increase the quality of human life through community, connection and togetherness. In essence, Joseph seeks to empower those in service of creating healthy, safe and sustainable communities and societies; those in service of others.

Having identified professional coaching and leadership development as his passion, Joseph embraced the work through the incorporation of his own private practice, as well as securing a strategic senior leadership role within the largest in-person coach training organisation in the world, where he holds the commercial and programme management responsibility for international
corporate partnerships.

With an ambition to support the attainment of individual human flourishing and organisational thriving, Joseph also has one-foot firmly within the academic space, contributing novel research concerning equity, diversity and inclusion to the professional coaching field underpinned by the latest approaches in neuroscience and psychology.

Joseph holds a BSc (Hons) in Management Science; Operational Research from Loughborough University, a Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Coaching from Leicester Castle Business School, and a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology & Coaching Psychology (MAPPCP) from the University of East London. Joseph is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) through the Co-Active Coach Training Institute (CTI), and is also trained in various other coaching tools and evidenced-based approaches underpinned by the latest research in emotional intelligence, neuroscience & neuropsychology, team
performance; systemic coaching and organisational effectiveness. Joseph is currently pursuing his accredited status with the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
Date Certified
August 2022
Languages Spoken

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