Free Scripts: Why Coaching Works, According to Neuroscience

Enter your email to receive our free cheat sheet outlining how to respond with neuroscience evidence if a client objects to coaching.


Have you ever heard a client say, “I’m not sure coaching will work for me?” As coaches we believe in the power of coaching, but sometimes our clients need to hear more evidence than “trust me, this works!”

This handout addresses some common objections we hear from clients, along with suggested responses you can give based on neuroscience research on WHY coaching works in the brain.

Giveaway Details:

The Heart of Coaching Giveaway runs from Thursday, February 4 – Saturday, February 20, 2021, ending at midnight EST.

All “The Heart of Coaching Giveaway” contributors are independent business owners and are operating with, but SEPARATELY from the “Heart of Coaching Giveaway” promotion.