It just so happens that Ursula I get asked a lot about authors, books, and yes, other programs dealing with neuroscience and coaching. Over the years, we’ve worked to be both thoughtful and gracious in our response, even though the little girl inside is sometimes screaming “Why are you asking about OTHER stuff??? Why don’t you like us BEST??” Whew, self management, breathe…..

And then, to be totally transparent, we recently had an experience with a participant in our Advanced Coaching Series who didn’t want to do the processes and clearly wasn’t finding resonance with the program. At the risk of sounding arrogant, this is rare. We’ve been doing this a long time, and we’ve fine tuned a lot over the years. Generally, it works. But this person wasn’t digging it, and ended up leaving before the end (to their credit, not in a huff, and with honest communication).

One of the things we were able to more deeply realize out of this and some recent questions about another coaching program, is that there is plenty of room in the sandbox, and we don’t have to be all things to all people.

Our program works well for people who want to explore not just neuroscience and coaching, but consciousness as well. In other words, how is coaching having an impact on consciousness (which we also refer to as effectiveness)? And all this in a program that is solidly based on neuroscience principles regarding learning and retention. We’ve structured our curriculum from research in neuroplasticity, which points toward practice, repetition, multi-sensory activities, mistakes in a safe environment, and hands-on in-person experiential learning. This means that everything is taught as an inside-out process, with lots of self-exploration. We also teach as best we can from the principles of the Seven Levels of Effectiveness, doing our best to create a safe, supportive, non-hierarchical environment of co-creation and respect.

Over the years as we’ve been teaching our courses around the world (North America, Central and South America, Asia and Europe), we’ve been thrilled that what we teach and the way we teach it is a clear fit for many coaches. And it’s ok that it’s not all coaches. Some people may prefer online classes because the current circumstances of their lives make travel impossible, others may want “Just the facts, Ma’am.” And others may simply not be interested in either the neuroscience end of things or how neuroscience relates to consciousness. The long (often hard) lesson we’re arriving at is that we simply want to be the best at what we do. As best we can, and with all our hearts.

I think we’re not alone in needing to learn this lesson. The world can seem like a fully saturated place for many professions (not the least of which is coaching), and it’s easy to get discouraged and forget that who you are and what you offer is unique and therefor needed by the world. Seeing the sandbox as full or worrying that someone else will take the toys comes from a belief that all things are scarce, whether it be love, money, or clients. Trusting that, as Rumi so beautifully said, “That which you are seeking is seeking you,” is a worldview of abundance.

As for us at BEabove, we are seeking fellow adventurers on the path of consciousness, neuroscience, and coaching. There’s sooooooo much room in the sandbox, and we’d love for you to come and play!